Echokamer #14: Coen Oscar Polack & Herman Wilken album release. Echoes by Hunter Complex.

Thursday January 30. Dinner at 19:00, concert at 20:00.

Polack and Wilken present their new album Fathomless. Geographically-themed, the album combines field recordings and electronics to create what they call sonic fiction. An abstract audio-novel of sorts. Hunter Complex will perform an exclusive echo-set that could just as well be the soundtrack to the next rich and paranoid, Bret Easton Ellis film, if not for the occasional warm notes. Get your tickets (€6) online.


Hunter Complex at Meneer Malasch - Found on Hunter Complex's website . © Kasper Vogelzang.

More information

Echokamer #14 is a collaboration with record label Narrominded and will take place at Mediamatic, VOC-Kade 10, Van Gendthallen Amsterdam. Tickets are €6 (membership included). A vegetarian meal is served for €6 before the concert. Kitchen opens at 19:00.

Free for members of Subbacultcha and Gonzo (circus).