This happened Rotterdam #7

This Happened Rotterdam is an evening about the creative process – the journey from idea to final result, with a focus on the adventures that took place in between.


THRTM#7 poster -

Four carefully selected makers of interactive projects (artists, designers, architects, hackers, developers or other creators) will tell their story and discus their process with you, the audience.

Don’t expect final outcomes, but do expect revelations about the twists and turns in their ‘makings of’– featuring sketches, video documentation and live demos – and a lively conversation with other makers in the audience. The lectures are English spoken.

Anner Tiete - - will show how they created X-II, a more intimate way to discover music in this age of digital abundance by re-interpretating the old school cassette mixtape. From designing, building to testing the product, but also the challenges they faced in launching a product in an industry that is still learning how to handle digital copyright.

John Tillema - Tweetonig - will share how their curiosity and a few chance encounters led them to create an essential part of The Things Network. They will show how you can make this open source internet of things network your own, but foremost what it took to create the truly open source hardware that makes it tick.

Dimme & Erica - Monkeybizniz will share how they created “De wereld van verschil” (The World of Difference), an online platform aimed at teenagers who are dealing with the (imminent) passing of a loved one. From the beginnings of this project, the partners that they needed and the process of how they tackled such a delicate subject.

We will announce our fourth speaker soon. Follow us on facebook or twitter and be the first to know.

More information about the night at
This happened Rotterdam is organised in collaboration with Designplatform Rotterdam and hosted by WORM.