Through the development of games we now are getting new perceptions of our world. By creating new technology and in using new tools we recreate ourselves, and the world around us.
It is an undemocratic process; there is no legislative body, no scientific council, nor a political one which has a blueprint how this will influence our world, how this process should play out. Like nobody ever voted for printing, for steam engines, penicillin, telephones, televisions or the internet. But they happened and changed our lives.
This evening you will be confronted with different outlooks on the future of games. You are confronted with ideas about a future, based on the knowledge the speakers now have and the expectations of their development and influence.
You are invited to join the discussion how the future of games will change your live.
Speakers and topics are:
Jeroen Elfferich, CEO, Ex Machina
Crossplatform & social gaming
David Nieborg, PhD researcher, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
More of the same? - The future implications of a game industry oligopoly
Kars Alfrink, Interaction Designer, Leapfrog
Better living through urban play
GAF van Baalen, Co-owner, Concept and artdirection, Ranj Serious Games
Serious games and ubiquitous play
Ellen de Lange-Ros, Owner, Faxion
The gamer attitude: the prerequisite for success in 2020
The Future of Games, Thursday, April 23, 2009. Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15. Location: Cultuurhuis Diamantslijperij. The conference language is English.
Visit the Club of Amsterdam website for more specific information on the programme. The moderator is Matthijs Dierckx Kuijper, Publisher, het Redactielokaal. The event concept is by Carla Hoekendijk.