Bologna Villa Spada


Bologna Villa Spada - Image taken from: Google Images

This beautiful villa is neoclassical in style and was designed by the architect Giovanni Martinetti. It is located on a hill which is bordered by the Ravone river, because of this the villa has become known as Palazzo Ravone. The building was finished in 1794, and belonged to the Zambeccari marquises, and in 1849 it was chosen by the Austrian General Radetsky as quarters for Austrian troops in Italy. It was badly damaged by bombing during the war, and in the 60's it passed into the hands of the local council. The beautiful park, in which Martinetti made a terraced Italian garden, was opened to the public in 1970, and contains many plants from distant lands.

Source: Tourist click.

Contact information

  • Bologna Villa Spada
  • Via Saragozza 210
  • 40135 Bologna
  • IT