Melentie Pandilovski
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Inflatable Birds

Sixteen Birds is the first multi-sculpture installation using Amorphic Robot Works' (ARW's) new Inflatable Bodies technology. The work consists of 16 large, white fabric shapes that recall the simplest line drawing of a bird, hanging limp and lifeless from the ceiling at eye level.

As viewers enter the room, the tapered, joined cone-shapes gradually inflate with air, lengthen and take form, eventually reaching out with a graceful wingspan, robust with life. The Birds then begin their stationary journey with a slow, elegant flapping motion, all 16 in a randomly generated sequence. The pneumatic mechanism that animates the work creates a constant, rhythmic breathing sound.

Moving through the installation allows you to find various compositions reminiscent of natural formations: compositions that change over the life cycle of the work. As in other natural organizations, however, the viewers' presence affects the work's life cycle, putting pressure on the system that may prematurely end the lives of the creatures on exhibition