Plate information
The highly variable phylum of real fungi is formed by metazoan Thallus-plants that are distinguished from other Thallophyta by a lack of Chlorophyll and its related ‘plasmophageous’ metabolism; like animals they feed on organic substances received from other organisms. The phylum divides into two classes, ‘tube fungi’ and ‘sponge fungi’; both proliferate by asexually produced gametes or spores. The majority of ‘sponge fungi’ are the big, well-known Hymenomycetes (‘mushrooms with a cap’). Besides, two small, peculiar orders belong here: Gastromycetes (‘belly-mushrooms’, fig. 10) and the closely related Phallomycetes (‘twig-mushrooms’, fig. 1-9). The peculiar fruiting body (Sporothecium) of the latter is initially showing a simple ovoid shape, cupped into a firm fruit capsule (Peridium). This cover remains at the base as a semispherical vulva (Volva), on top usually as one split into lopes, once the growing ‘fruit carrier’ (Receptaculum) has broken through the top. The latter is clathrate when belonging to the family of Clathracei (‘grill-mushrooms’, fig. 3-9), composed of brachiate bars with their interior housing the spore mass (Gleba). The fruiting body of Phallacei (‘phallus-mushrooms’, fig. 1, 2), on the other hand, forms a strong, hollow, cylindrical cone carrying an acorn or a small cap on top; spore mass is seated on the outer surface of this cap.
Our T-shirts are ECO-friendly silkscreened by Superette on biological Bamboo T-shirts.
We provide two different colours, black and white, and four different sizes; S, M, L, XL.
You can order them by emailing your design of choice (Basimycetes), colour and size to
We will inform you as soon as possible about the payment details. When the payment is completed you can pick the shirt up at Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6 1019 BS Amsterdam.
It is also possible to get this print as a large scale poster.
You will find more details about our posters here.
Basimycetes black - for more info click here