Anne Hofstra

Voedselbank Cultuur

Mediamatic is part of the Voedselbank Cultuur program. The Voedselbank tickets are free, and can be reserved by people that are part of the food bank program. You can find more information here.  

Workshop tickets that have not been sold yet the day before the event get 'foodbank tickets'.

You can clear the tickets using the following steps:

  1. Always check the day before a workshop, if there are still tickets available. 
  2. If there are tickets available, go to stager.
  3. Search the event in stager in the calendar.
  4. Go to the tab 'tickets' in the event.
  5. Add tickettype 'voedselbank cultuur' for 0 euro's. (press both door and online)
  6. Press 'Edit Details' and set the limit to the availability. Here you can also set a time from what they will be online (8:00 on the day before the workshop).