Bert Sliggers

Art historian and curator


Beftival portrait Bert Sliggers - Collaborator of Beftival Caroline Aravicius

Bert Sliggers was curator of Teylers Museum for much of his life and thus responsible for a large number of exhibitions and accompanying books. As guest curator he is now associated with the Museum of the Book, for which he is preparing the exhibition Greetings from the Orient. He regularly publishes on the history of erotica and pornography in the Netherlands, most recently on The Vice of the Thirties; The Taurel Brothers and the Trade. In addition, he researches the history of erotic pulp in Europe.

On the side, Bert has a huge collection of ancient porn from the 20's and 30's. At the time these illustrations were often hidden in books behind slides and flips. Big part of the collection will be on view during Museumnacht: Beftival. 

Contact information

  • Bert Sliggers