Oct - Dec 2021

Caroline Aravicius

Photography assistant


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My name is Caroline and from Copenhagen, Denmark. 

I am currently completing my last year of photography communication bachelor degree, in Denmark and was a photography assistant at Mediamatic.

So why did i choose Mediamatic? First of all I love art and I am fascinated by science. As an artist myself I got so inspired by all the interesting artist and how they work.

I am a very visual person and I see the world in colours and forms, this is why i guess photography is perfect for me.

My other love of photography is fashion and art photography and the more staged ones.
In my work I love working with light and I am always on the hunt to find the perfect light and composition. When I am photographing you can say it's like meditation for me, where all my thoughts and worries disappears for a moment.
I love experiencing new things and going to events to expand my own mind and knowledge, so I feel honoured to have been documenting all the inspirational events at Mediamatic. 

I love capturing ascetically beautiful photos, and i have a love for black and white photos as well, as you can see in my favourite photos i took for Mediamatic. At Mediamatic i learned about communicating through my photos, which i am still in the process of improving. My goal is to have aesthetic beautiful and artistically photos, but at the same time communicating and touching the audience in one way or another.

Thanks Mediamatic for the time I was here, hopefully we will meet again at gentle disco. 

Contact informatie

  • Caroline Aravicius