Gunya _ MYCouture #1
Design: Dasha Tsapenko *
Material: European hemp, polypore fungus
Technique: Felting, growing
Industrial hemp serves as nutrition for various fungi species. Mycelium serves as a binder for short hemp fibres that remain from traditional hemp processing, creating strong textiles. By upcycling leftover hemp parts using mycelium as a binder, an ethical production narrative is suggested.
*in collaboration with Han Wösten and Utrecht University
Gunya _ MYCouture #2
Design: Dasha Tsapenko *
Material: European hemp, polypore fungus
Technique: Felting, growing
This Gunya showcases endless and unique aesthetic possibilities that emerge in collaboration with fungal species. Due to unpredictable specifics of mycelium growth, the coating surface of each co-created garment is different and unique.
*in collaboration with Han Wösten and Utrecht University
Gunya _ MYCouture #3
Design: Dasha Tsapenko *
Material: European hemp, polypore fungus
Technique: Knitting, Growing
The body of this Gunya is knitted from hemp yarn, and used as reinforcement for mycelium growth.
*in collaboration with Han Wösten and Utrecht University
Gunya _ MYCouture #4
Design: Dasha Tsapenko
Material: European hemp, polypore fungus
Technique: Weaving, growing
In this Gunya mycelium creates a coating for burlap, weaved from hemp, giving the material new functional and aesthetical properties.
Gunya _ MYCouture #5
Design: Dasha Tsapenko
Material: European hemp, polypore fungus
Technique: Growing
This Gunya is made of sawdust, binded with mycelium.
It is thick and sturdy. It provides insulation & protection and manifests the idea of the Gunya as a shelter in its broadest sense.