Previously on view in the Amsterdam Biennale:

Boston Pavilion


The friendSlicer was developed by Eric Gunther, Andras Sly Szalai and Jeff Lieberman during the Mediamatic Social RFID Hackercamp at PICNIC 2009. Now on view at the Amsterdam Biennale 2009, representing the city of Boston.


FriendSlicer in het Boston paviljoen van de Amsterdam Biennale 2009 . - Photo taken at Museumn8 at the Amsterdam Biennale at Mediamatic Bank (07/11/09) Raphael Rehbach

friendSlicer enables you to become a central part of a music video starring you and your friends, simply by making some noises. Following some simple prompting, you will enter a few sounds in a videobooth. Your sounds are recorded, and your network of friends is searched to find others who have also entered their own sounds. Your samples together with theirs are cut together to form a unique music video performance, which you will be able to view seconds after you submit your own sounds.

Made by: Jeff Lieberman, Andras Sly Szalai & Eric Gunther. Read more about the friendSlicer at Hackercamp '09 here.