Image: Andreas Conradi
Kom je ook? 6
Foto genomen tijdens Kom je ook? 6 op 9 september 2010 in het Compagnietheater. Foto Mediamatic / Andreas Conradi
Minouche's passion in life is searching for inspiring creative solutions, telling others about it and make social innovation happen. There is an amazing amount of imagination around us, wordwide, and the beauty of our time is that technology gives a massive push to mass creativity. With her company Wonderful World she actively pursues her passion, main goals being: collecting the inspiration, spreading the word and helping organisations to put it into action. She organises (international) knowledge programs through which she connects the client with projectmanagers of social innovations, creative thinkers and grassroots actitivies to show them what's out there and how the client can use that to their (and our :-) advantage. Occasionally she gets involved herself in project management, when she works side by side with the client to get things done.
Before Minouche worked for Kennisland on a wide range of projects, among which Digitale Pioniers, netwerk Stedenlink, netwerk FF Contact and the use of icts in the neighborhood.
Recent projects: study trips to Berlin, Brussels and Manchester on topic of Open (fibre) Networks and Open Innovation; strategy sessions / trainings on web 2.0; building a grassroots youth network in Zaanstad, NL.