Bart van de laak

Creative consultant for art & culture, festivals & events and urban development

Creative consultant for art & culture, festivals & events and urban development at LAgroup Leisure & Arts Consulting in Amsterdam.

Bart van de Laak started for LAgroup in may 2007 as a consultant for art and culture, festivals & events and urban development. He studied financial economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and worked as a risk controller for AEGON Asset Management and FMO Finance for development. Missing artistic creativity he switched to creative consulting in 2001. In this period he worked as an interim-manager for Productiehuis Brabant and as an event manager at Theatre Hal 4 in Rotterdam. Since 2003 he's been working as a general manager at Stichting Hal 4 in Rotterdam. Bart's main interest are bridging the gap between creativity and management at organizational and macro-economic level, internet (web 2.0) applications for the cultural sector ánd the role of culture in city development.