For five years, Hans Kalliwoda and Delft University of Technology worked on the technical development of the shell-shaped container, in which he will have to survive in climates ranging from polar to tropical. Sustainability is a central concern. The World in a Shell generates its own electricity, recycles water, and is generally as self-sufficient as possible. But in the age of globalization, sustainability is also a social and cultural issue. On his around-the-world trip, Hans Kalliwoda will organize cultural activities for and by local populations. He will take the results away with him in the container, amassing an ever-growing worldwide exhibition that will bring different peoples into contact with each other.
The World in a Shell will premiere in Rotterdam, thereby starting its journey. Since art, technology and architecture come together In the container, the Netherlands Architecture Institute and V2_Institute for the Unstable Media are joining forces to organize a number of activities in and around the container. There will be workshops and a seminar on sustainability in art, architecture and science on April 1 at V2_. Follow Hans Kalliwoda's journey at, or drop by The World in a Shell!
Because, technology and architecture coincide in The World in a Shell, the NAi and V2_ are joining forces to organize a number of activities in and around the container:
Official Opening: The World in a Shell
March 27 | 17:00 | NAi Museumpark, Rotterdam
Seminar: Art, Architecture-Science Collaboration in Sustainability
With Ute Meta Bauer, Robert Zwijnenberg and Hans Kalliwoda
April 1 | 19:30 | Admission: € 7,50 | V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam | Reservation required
Workshop: The Power of Logic Versus the Logic of Power
With Ion Sorvin (N55) and Anne Romme
April 2 | 10:00–18:00 | Admission: € 20,00 | Reservation required
Urban Adventure: A Walk in the Invisible Cit
With Petr Kazl and Wilfried Houjebek
April 9 | 16:00–18:00 | Reservation required
RSVP: contact Joris [at]