Expanding the City

Virtueel Museum Zuidas

10 Nis 2008
22 Haz 2008
  • 17:30
  • By
  • foam
  • +31205516546

From its inception, the development of Zuidas, Amsterdam’s top international corporate location, retained an essential place for art. Creativity and commerce are bound inextricably together, especially in Amsterdam. To ensure the durability and quality of this art, Amsterdam appointed a supervisor of visual art in 2001, assisted by a programme committee chosen by the supervisor.


07-06-04 © Jasper Wiedeman -

This resulted in 2003 in the establishment of a Virtual Museum Zuidas. Zuidas has expanded in both area and time, and has undergone so many changes that the Virtual Museum decided to commission artists to document these transformations. Since 2001 two to four photographers and artists have been invited each year to offer their vision of the district and the ongoing changes. The result is a record of the genesis of an area and a growing collection that reflects current trends and developments in photography.

In 2006 it was decided to transfer the entire collection – photos already taken and all future photos – to Foam. The transfer of the collection is marked with an exhibition.

he opening will be held on: Thursday the 10th of april, 17.30