RELENTLESS RHYTHMS FROM THE PAN-AFROARABIC IMMIGRANT SOUND SOURCES. (afro-oriental punk roots in a rich broth of hip hop; garnished with junglistic bass and syncopation: first-generation punk jaw electronic hip hop roots raggamuffin pan-african derivatives) in addition to transcendental sonic experiments. …has worked with David Byrne’s Luaka Bop, Arto Lindsay, Musicians of the Nile, Ikue Mori, Marc Ribot, Joan Osborne, Butch Morris, Elliott Sharp, Bachir Attar, Kaffe Matthews, Fathy Salama, George Lewis, Leroy Jenkins, Hamid Drake, etc.
She founded “Sa’aidi Hardcore Productions” in New York City in 1996 and publishing/label “KMT BABOMB USA”. She runs her studio “G.G.S.S/Rocca AlMileda” which has been set up as both fixed and mobile in Brooklyn, Cairo & Tuscany.