This is an overview of all books that are taken care of by our members.
These members take care of our book collection
Rules of the Distributed Library
Mediamatic maintains a distributed library. Together the members of Mediamatic.net take care of and share a growing collection of books and other physical media. Anyone can participate in our shared...
Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Jan 200829Jan 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...
Press release June 19th, 2008
We are liquidating our library
in protest of the cultural funding stalemate
Mediamatic will give away all its books. Our library will cease to exist in protest of the impasse between the Raad van Cultuur and Minister Plasterk on cultural subsidies. We call on the public to...