Clean Lab
Thank you!
We would like to thank the following people, organizations, sponsors, and participants.
We would like to thank the following people, organizations, sponsors, and participants.
Inspired by the variety of wild weeds surrounding Mediamatic, the Clean Lab Team set out to investigate the culinary potential of the resources which are locally and seasonally available.
Acorn sausages - makes 1 piece 150g acorn paste (use a blender) 1-2 potatoes 1 tbsp fried onions 1 garlic clove of garlic 2 tbsp roasted breadcrumps 1 tbsp olive oil salt and pepper Mix all...
The Harvest In and around Amsterdam the oak can be found in parks, forests and along the streets. Once you are attentive, you will see them everywhere around. The Balanophagy Team as well didn’t have...
We are Clara, Magdalena, Elnaz and Nadja and we are living the balanoculture: the harvesting, processing, storage and consumption of acorns play a large role in our project taking place in the Clean...
Mediamatic's search for vegan fabric that could be used in Resomation, an environmentally friendly alternative burial method, led to testing fungal material.
Elke zaterdag te zien in het Magazine van Het Parool, de fotocolumn Koppen door Michiel van Nieuwkerk . Twaalf gezichten gefotografeerd op een bijzondere plek in de stad. Dit keer was het team van...