Willem Velthoven
All rights reserved
5320 x 2511 İndir

Serving at Mediamatic ETEN Serres Séparées

Safer water side dining in Amsterdam during a pandemic

We were testing the setup and the ways of serving whilst waiting for permission to re-open our restaurant and art space. After these tests during lock-down, we went viral with the concept. So as soon as permitted, we started to offer really nice plant-based dinner in our greenhouses on the Amsterdam water side of the Oosterdok.

We had a great run from june 1st on till the second wave stopped even our super safe restaurant again in October 2020. 

Of course, these chambres séparées are recommended only for people that are already living together.

Photo was taken at Mediamatic ETEN in Biotoop Dijkspark during our testing on May 12th, 2020. Reproduction permitted with credit: Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic Amsterdam.

#corona #covid19 #1,5meter #6feet 

This photo is a representation of the current protective measures we use. Long wooden planks to serve from a safe distance. Protective face masks, courtesy of Waag Society and gloves or our uniform.