Image: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS vibeke starting the ikCam Alleycat at Mediamatic… This picture was taken at the start of the Mini Alleycat at Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 with the Mediamatic IkCam . Riders go through the city with a list of addresses where they take a picture...
Image: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS vibeke starting the ikCam Alleycat at Mediamatic… This picture was taken at the start of the Mini Alleycat at Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 with the Mediamatic IkCam . Riders go through the city with a list of addresses where they take a picture...
Image: Maarten, Nina, Remus, Thom, vibeke at Ik R.I.P. This photo was taken with the ikCam during Ik R.I.P. at Mediamatic. Ik R.I.P. was an exhibition about online presence after death (2009).
Image: Thom, vibeke, Nina, Remus at Ik R.I.P. This photo was taken with the ikCam during Ik R.I.P. at Mediamatic. Ik R.I.P. was an exhibition about online presence after death (2009).
Image: Remus, Maarten, Nina, Thom, vibeke at Ik R.I.P. This photo was taken with the ikCam during Ik R.I.P. at Mediamatic. Ik R.I.P. was an exhibition about online presence after death (2009).