Annelise van den Akker

Graphic Design Intern


Annelise and blue cup - Graphic design intern and blue cup Photo by Romy Kerkman Romy Kerkman

Hello, my name is Annelise.

I was an intern at Mediamatic from August to December of 2023. I arrived deeply interested in the intersection between biology, design, and anthropology, and happily worked as a graphic design intern. I was taught a great deal about the discipline and I am proud to have had the opportunity to learn while working in the field. I now know that I wish to work in visual science communication focusing on evolutionary anthropology/biology. I will start my masters in evolution in the fall and look forward to working on design commissions until then. 

Thanks for everything Mediamatic and will always look back fondly! 

Contact information

  • Annelise van den Akker