Minjoo Choi

Conceptual artist


Minjoo Choi - photo by Berry Lijesen

Minjoo Choi is a conceptual artist who graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2022. 


With clay and constructional objects, she plays with the aspects of clarity and unclarity of the constructional and destructional state, art and unart*, and in-process and completion. She tries to merge herself into the scene as an in-process object by performance. 

*(Un)art: The relationship between (in)action and (un)engaging.

Read more about the interactive installation titled “I threw it fell I threw it fell It fell I felt I threw I fell I fell I threw I threw it fell“ which Minjoo created as her graduation work. 

With special thanks to Berry Lijesen


Contact information

  • Minjoo Choi