Diederik Klomberg

14 Ara 2008
17 Oca 2009
  • OutLINE
  • Oetewalerstraat 73, 1093 md Amsterdam

For this new edition of Crossroads curator Alice Smits has invited the artist Diederik Klomberg to throw a new light on the space of outLINE. As outLINE is housed in a unique architectural location, this was for Alice Smits strong impetus to select an artist who takes space itself as his material.


Installation by Diederik Klomberg at Outline . -

The work of Diederik Klomberg is characterized by an attention to our perception of the spaces in which we find ourselves. Through means of colour and line he intervenes in an environment, to influence and centralize our experience of the space. The viewer is invited to reflect on his/her process of looking and experiencing. Since Klomberg’s work functions on the sensorial level and its meaning ultimately lies in a non verbal experience, it resists easy description, in spite of the fact that the elements are easily detailed.

Specifically for this exhibition, Klomberg will create the work RGB. The unique three part structure of outLINE which consists of a middle part with central dome and two ante chambers, will be strictly separated by assigning each part a distinct colour: floor, wall, ceiling and details such as outlets, windows and heating system will be painted in monochrome. The title RGB (red-green-blue) refers to a term used in colour theory. Additive colour mixing consists of additions of the light of individual colours which results in other colours: when three light sources with the primary colours of red, green and blue are absorbed together the result is white.

Read more about the exhibition on the Outline website.

Opening: sunday 14th of december from 15.00 to 17.00 hrs with a performance by three singers who will give audible shape to three colours! The exhibition runs until the 17th of january 2009.