Kurye International Video Festival

Most notable video festival of Turkey

2 Haz 2009
12 Haz 2009

This year, Kurye International Video Festival will take place under its own name and with its new structure at Aksanat between June 2-12. Over the past three years, Kargart International Video Festival featured more than 200 videos by 23 artists from 23 countries under the management and content supervision of Kurye Video Organization. Kurye has also organized numerous events both in Turkey and abroad and has compiled the most extensive international video archive of Turkey. This year, by starting a cooperation with one of the most important art institutions of Turkey -Aksanat, Kurye is taking yet another big step towards becoming the most notable video festival of Turkey and in a couple of years one of the most notable festivals of the world.


Still from animation by Denizcan Yüzgül. - Image from Medfilmfestival.org .


The main aim of Kurye International Video Festival is to promote Istanbul as a center of attraction as a festival scene by focusing on the rising stars of the contemporary art world –video art and new media. It also strives to set a new standard in terms of festival organization in Istanbul by working with a team of young and expert organizers and by putting sustainability before easy profit and to act as an example for the use of alternative and creative organizational techniques in order to enliven the field of video art.

This year, Kurye International Video Festival will take place between June 2-12 and feature national and international video screenings. It will also help inform people who work in this industry –or who are just interested in video art- through the organization of parallel events –numerous workshops, a seminar, a panel and a live performance. Starting this year, the festival will focus on certain different types of video art every year. This year, taking into consideration the developments in new media and video in Turkey, the festival organization decided to focus on the following three fields:
-Motion Graphics/Music Videos,
-Performance videos and documentations.

For more detailed info: info@kuryevideo.org or visit the Kurye blog and its official website.