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Magazine week

19 Tem 2003

OPEN ARCH at Büro Friedrich

Saturday, July 19th starting at 6pm

Evening event: presentations, discussions, BBQ and Brychcy Bar

Open Arch

With Open Arch Büro Friedrich presents a month-long series of summer shows, which invite artists and designers from the respective fields of architecture, publications, art and fashion to make use of the exhibition space for a 5-day period. The individual segments are not exhibitions in the traditional sense. Instead groups of artists and designers present projects which encourage interaction and participation on the part of the public. In conjunction with a series of talks, the program intends to generate active communication between the viewers and artist-producers. In some cases, projects will actually require and depend on the participation of exhibition visitors. The core idea is to create a communicative space, in which the viewer is actively engaged.

Print It!

In the second week of the 'OPEN ARCH at BüroFriedrich' series publishers from Berlin and Amsterdam will present their magazines over the course of three days. At different times throughout the exhibition authors, editors, graphic designers and invited guests will be at BüroFriedrich, in order to introduce their magazines in person or through videos, performances, installations and events.
Viewers are given the opportunity to take part in these events, gain insight into the working processes and concepts behind each of the differently positioned magazines and meet the representatives from the exhibiting journals. Some of the magazines are new this year; others have been in existence for a long time. Emphasis is placed both on the visual appearance and content of the publications. The magazines focus on the fields of art, culture, politics and photography and have an interdisciplinary approach.

Participating magazines:



BUTT fagazine

Neue Review




