Romancing the Geese

15 Şub 2004

A goose cocktail soiree & OOZ database

The geese are also invited to this elite social occasion. Artist and
experience designer Debra Solomon has developed a tasting selection of
delicious goose food for this event, that is, food that is nutritious and
delicious for geese and humans alike. Promising a surprisingly delicious
wildernessadventure for the palette!

Hors d'oeuvres served, cocktail lectures by Natalie Jeremijenko
policies, fables and goose romance and pornography, goose robot driving, Bureau of Inverse Technology supplies informational ambience and goose-operated radio station.

Bureau of Inverse Technology, De Verbeelding art landscape nature
and the OOZ project of Natalie Jeremijenko invite you on this
techno-culinary adventure in the wilds of Zeewolde, Flevoland *.
OOZ is zoo backward and without cages. It provides interfaces for
nonhumans and humans to interact. De Verbeelding OOZ at Zeewolde brings together a lake with wild geeseand
a contemporary art pavilion.

Entrance free. Drinks Cash Bar.

Evening dress requested.

Please RSVP to:

f. +31 (0)36-5227205