Elena Perez

Think Ahead! Open Platform

Award Competition

9 Mayıs 2009

The 'Think Ahead! Open Platform' explores the future of media art and digital culture. It is a marketplace of ideas and an incubator. Be ready for quick insights into artists' minds and creatives' hard drives!


think ahead! open platform - by NIMk Elena Perez

NIMk has invited artists, researchers, inventors and hackers active in the digital culture and based in the Netherlands, to preset projects that are under construction such as artworks, events, installations, performances, software/hardware tools for cultural purposes or online/offline publications.
On this afternoon the pre-selected projects will be presented to the public and the jury. The participants get 10 minutes each to explain their projects and answer questions from the
audience and the jury.
The winner of this competition will receive € 2.000, expert advice and technical assistance for the further development or actual realisation of the project.

You can find the schedule of presentations at: NIMk

Susanne Jaschko, chief curator NIMk
Floor van Spaendonck, director of Virtueel Platform
Alex Schaub, director of Fablab De Waag
Christine van den Horn, responsible for the programme at Media Guild