Paper Pixel conference

the shifting relation between electronic and paper publishing

12 Mayıs 2009
13 Mayıs 2009

International conference on the shifting relation between electronic and paper publishing.With e-books, print-on-demand and other hybrid media, online and offline media can no longer be separated, but complement each other. What advanced cross-media and computer-generative publication and design strategies exist beyond copy-paste? How do new technological developments and the crisis of print news media change the world of designers, editors and publishers? International cutting-edge designers, software developers, publishers and researchers will give insight into their own solutions and discuss the future of publishing


logo-print_pixel.png - Alessandro Ludovico

Public conference

Main building Willem de Kooning Academy, Blaak 10, 3011 TA Rotterdam
Train, metro, bus and tram station: Rotterdam Blaak

Florian Cramer, Lector, Piet Zwart Institute WdKA
Introduction: Print-on-demand, e-books, XML, cross-media publishing, programmed design. The new convergence of online and print

Marc Regeur, Sony Benelux
Sony’s e-book platform

Lunch break

Gerrit Imsieke, le-tex, Leipzig, Germany
Creating/generating reflowable e-books

Petr van Blokland, Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens, Delft
index2.xml: graphic design and programming


Patricia Albanese, Matthew Bernius, Tona Henderson, Michael Riordan, Open Publishing Lab (OPL), Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Taking Open Source publishing further: Cross-media publishing tools from the Open Publishing Lab

Aldje van Meer, CrossLab, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
Electronic paper: a student project from the CrossLab of the

17:00hrs End

Throughout the day: Peter Zuijderwijk, Lauran Schijvens, Jouke Kleerebezem, Arie Altena & students of the WdKA Minor Editorial Design [Redactioneel Ontwerpen]: Realtime production of a conference newspaper running parallel to the conference
Professional session

This part of the conference consists of short presentations and a roundtable discussion for a small audience. It provides an alternative to the more extensive public day conference for publishing, design and media professionals.

Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationsplein 45, 3001 GB Rotterdam, Orchidee (Orchid) room
Train, metro, bus & tram station Rotterdam Centraal

Short presentations by Sony, Gerrit Imsieke (le-tex), Petr van Blokland, Patricia Albanese, Matthew Bernius, Tona Henderson, Michael Riordan (Open Publishing Lab), Marc Schwieger (Scholz+Friends), Alessandro Ludovico (research fellow Piet Zwart Institute) + round table with all participants
Wednesday, 13 May
Public conference

Main building Willem de Kooning Academy, Blaak 10, 3011 TA Rotterdam

Alessandro Ludovico, Neural Magazine, Bari, Italy, research fellow Piet Zwart Institute
Introduction: The mutation of magazine and book publishing

Edwin Schravesande, media workgroup NRC Handelsblad
Electronic media strategy of NRC Handelsblad

12:10 hrs
Online versus print: Do newspapers have a future?
Roundtable with Edwin Schravesande, Lou Lichtenberg, Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers, Den Haag, co-author of De krant doorgeklikt (Clicking through the newspaper), Matthew Bernius, Open Publishing Lab, Rochester, USA, Marc Schwieger, Creative Director, Scholz & Friends, Hamburg, Germany

13:00hrs Lunch break

Simon Worthington, OpenMute publishers, London, England
Print-on-demand and networked community publishing: A vision for sustainable media

Alessandro Ludovico, Research fellow Piet Zwart Institute
Lessons from the underground: How small media practices anticipated current media developments

Peter Zuiderwijk & Lauren Schijvens & Arie Altena & students WdKA
Summary presentation of the real-time conference newspaper project

15:30hrs Break

16:00 hrs Final discussion, moderated by Florian Cramer
The future of publishing: how designers need to adapt.

17:00hrs End
Professional session

Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationsplein 45, 3001 GB Rotterdam, Orchidee (Orchid) room
Train, metro, bus & tram station Rotterdam Centraal


Short presentations by NRC Handelblad, Lou Lichtenberg (Stimuleringsfonds voor de pers), Matthew Bernius (Open Publishing Lab), Simon Worthington (OpenMute), Alessandro Ludovico (research fellow) + round table with all participants

For more information and registration for the professional session,
contact Saskia Brandt Corstius,