Strawberry Earth

Help the environment: watch a movie!

5 Haz 2009
6 Haz 2009

On 5 and 6 June in The Ketelhuis cinema in Amsterdam, Greenchoice and Strawberry Earth will present the latest and best films with a green theme. They're combining premieres, Q&A’s with directors and Amsterdam’s creative talent with a sweet party!


Strawberry Earth - Logo

Strawberry Earth events directly benefit the environment. For this event The Ketelhuis is giving away every euro spent at the festival to make their cinema eco-friendlier. Energy company Greenchoice is also, quite literally, powering the festival.

The French film HOME, by director and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, produced by Luc Besson (from The Fifth Element en Leon), will be a world premiere on 5 June in Paris and in Amsterdam! Also Strawberry Earth is bringing you the English hit The Age of Stupid together with director Franny Armstrong. You’ll find the complete festival program on our website soon. Tickets can be reserved at The Ketelhuis cinema from next week.

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