Diane Cluck


20 Haz 2009

Watching New York based singer - songwriter Diane Cluck perform in her private, almost trance-like reverie, one might wonder what's she is really thinking. The wondering is part of the power in which she captivates an audience entirely in her thrall.


Diane Cluck - Performing at SMART


The Concert

Anti-folk affiliated, her sound is more serious - she is likely one of the most refined and elegant songwriters in all of neo-folkdom (freak-, anti-, whatevuh-). A brilliant idiosyncratic guitarist, a witty and wise lyricist, an imaginative melody writer with a powerful voice; her dark and introspective tunes are utterly captivating, sorta like an earthier Kate Bush. Watch her spellbind the room. Village Voice NYC
Read more about the artist on her myspace.
And please visit smartprojectspace.net for more information.

Location: Chapel - Level 1
Admission: 5 euro