e-Fashion Salon

Pimp your outfit and your profile

17 Nis 2008

What do we wear these days? And how do we present ourselves online? Leah Buechley (USA), Marina Toeters, Jennifer Delano and elfriendo helped the participants to flaunt our fanciest selves.


Business Dress - Marina Toeters, Lumalive project, business dress Marina Toeters

Meet the Designers

Leah Buechley (USA) is a specialist in wearables and designer of the Lilypad Arduino, an e-textile construction kit. She told us all about the uses of new electric designer materials in e-Fashion and wearables, and demonstrated an array of new materials.

Marina Toeters (NL) is a fashion designer who worked with technicians to create a garment where fashion and technology become one. She showed her "by-wire experiments" and a project she did for Philips:
The Lumalive project.

Jennifer Delano is director of The Artist Advice, creates fashion for Femis Fashion and is a regular blogger for 360 Fashion.
Last month she organized the first Second Life Real Life fashion show in the world and she told us all about this unique project.


The Digital Methods Initiative from the University of Amsterdam and the Govcom.org Foundation present their latest project: elfriendo. elfriendo is a MySpace related service. It's designs for people who have no time to fill in a profile, or would like to save time blending in with other fans of a certain interest. Read more about elfriendo here

Jennifer Delano