... catching sparks

transient impressions and legal stimulants

5 Eyl 2009
17 Eki 2009
  • OutLINE
  • Oetewalerstraat 73, 1093 md Amsterdam

outLINE opens the season with the solo-exhibition ‘Catching Sparks’ by Roger Cremers. In his work Cremers creates a personal universe referring to representations of [scientific] knowledge and ‘recording’ media. Whereby cultural historical and [popular] scientific images form his main source material. By this Cremers investigates the meaning that is projected onto representations of knowledge.


Roger Cremers - Bron: outlineamsterdam.nl

None of Roger Cremers’ drawings, sculptures or paintings stands for itself. His images encroach upon each other, subvert each other and supplement each other. ‘Arbitrary constructions’ is what the artist calls them. His oeuvre is an expanding expose about the extent of our knowledge: a visual discourse on the starry sky, brain matter, the animal kingdom, the globe, evolution and the finger print: ‘the very big and the very small.’ [Wilma Suto, Traces of science in art, 1998]

In outLINE Cremers shows beside work from 2008, a new series of paintings and object. Portraits of philosophers will be placed next to ceramic taperecorders and other ‘object of registration’ from current and past centuries. Images of symbolic animals and medicinal plants form new associations and show a world of cultural references.

Special Events

Opening saturday 5th of september 17.00 - 19.00 hrs
with a dialogue between guest curator Esther Vossen and Roger Cremers

Special dinner/ event, 4th of october
‘chimera’, on relation of personal knowledge and [scientific] facts
rsvp before 30th of september 2009: info@outlineamsterdam.nl
couvert € 11,00