an open gathering of open artists/technologists

10 Nis 2007
15 Nis 2007
  • 10:00 -16:00
  • Squat Deluxe
  • Mathenesserdijk 418, 3026 GV Rotterdam

Undeaf is an uncurated, unrestricted, self organized and there for you. Undeaf provides a platform for artists, designers, coders and engineers to show their work, perform or simply hang out and see who shows up. In a squat in Rotterdam, you are invited to spend 5 days in undeaf bliss.

Loosely modeled after other unconferences such as BarCamp or SuperHappyDevHouse, undeaf is the artist's form of self-organized presentation. Anyone can sign up for a slot in one of the three rooms, and then do a keynote, a dance performance, serve food, or whatever they want.

Current attendees include AR + RFID lab presenting Augmented Reality Theater, Wim van Eck with Animal Controlled Computer Games, Swummoq with Bulb, an interactive installation, Gerald de Jong with Darwin at Home, Pawel Pokutycki on Semantic Image Manipulation, and more people are adding their names to the list daily.

If you want to attend, sign up on the wiki at undeaf.v2.nl.

Undeaf is an initiative by Rui Guerra, a software developer using his programming mind for creative purposes.
