Hacking the PICNIC website Lab

25 Eyl 2009

Mediamatic will host a one-day Hacking the PICNIC website Lab during PICNIC. In the morning we will explain how the Social RFID interactive installations at PICNIC exchange information with www.picnicnetwork.org through the anymeta API (not only used for PICNIC but also for 60 other social network sites built by Mediamatic Lab). We show how to use Python, Processing and Java libraries and the iPhone to interface with the PICNIC website.

In the afternoon you are going to make your own software to talk to the picnic website. Maarten Wolzak of Magnatron and Arjan & Ralph of Mediamatic will be there to help you. At the end of this Lab you will have a working application that reads and writes to the PICNIC social network.

You can follow only the morning lecture or stay for the whole day. Make your RSVP for the LEARN and MAKE session at www.picnicnetwork.org

Program Hacking the PICNIC website Lab:
Friday, 25 September

  • 10:00 – 11:30 anymeta API introduction at the Mediamatic Camp Site. Open to all PICNIC visitors
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Break
  • 12:30 – 17:00 Hands-on prototyping sessions in the Open to max. 20 people

Arjan Scherpenisse van Mediamatic Lab

Working applications to interface with www.picnicnetwork.org and with any other (anymeta) websites (such as www.mediamatic.net, www.depaviljoens.nl, www.ccaa.nl, www.reboot.dk and more).

The Hacking the PICNIC website Lab is a collaboration between Mediamatic Lab and PICNIC. If you are interested in joining the lab, please RSVP at the PICNIC website for the LEARN and/or the MAKE session. Participation is free (officially you will have to be a PICNIC visitor but if you want to join call us for 'options').

More information: call us at Mediamatic +31 - (0)20 6389901 or mail to info@mediamatic.net

PICNIC labs are part of the wildly buzzing PICNIC Festival. They bring together international thinkers and makers in an intense co-creation process, advancing the field by combining very diverse expertise & experiences in a playful setting. There will be Labs on sustainability, augmented cities, alternative money systems and more. Labs kick-off with a plenary panel (THINK), then go off into an invitation-only intense hands-on making session (MAKE) and present their results at the main conference hall (PITCH).