21 Eki 2009
21 Kas 2009

Galerie Ron Mandos proudly announces the Dutch premiere of Hans Op de Beeck’s emotive animated film ‘Extensions’. The film is on view during gallery opening hours from Wednesday the 21st of October to Saturday the 21st of November in an especially prepared screening room in the rear of the gallery.


Hans Op de Beeck - Bron: ronmandos.nl Source: ronmandos.nl

Extensions' takes the spectator on a quiet, nocturnal travel along abandoned buildings, interiors, objects and anonymous characters that appear from and disappear into the dark. The animated film, which is made using black-and-white water-colours based on photographs taken from the Internet and images from documentaries and educational videos, shows our technology-driven and globalised environment as a dark dream, an obscure and intangible maze in which the individual tries to maintain himself by means of his rituals and habits.

In recent years Hans Op de Beeck’s work has been on view in a range of prestigious presentations across the Netherlands such as in solo expositions in the GEM in the Hague and the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. Simultaneously his participation in the Shanghai Biënnale (2006), Holland Festival (2008) and the Singapore Biënnale (2008) were met with a great deal of acclaim.