Live circuitbending noise herders on sampling joysticks!

mnk tok tek is on the rampage

25 Nis 2005
6 Mayıs 2005
  • 21:30 -21:30
  • OT 301
  • Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

Karl Klomp and Tom Verbruggen have developed a new performance in which they share joystick signals, transform sound into image and vice versa, and use a bunch of self built analog widgets which are said to fuck up sound and image in the most esthetic manner possible.


Their performance is part of the reSortoff program, which the self proclaimed oasis of unrest in the Netherlands. Other activities include an animation by Marcel Kaars and a lecture by Hans Kulk on the 1958 Poeme Electronique by LeCorbusier, Iannis Xenakis, Jean Petit, Edgard Varese and Phillipe Agostini.

25-04 Kraakgeluiden, OT301, Amsterdam
26-04 , Den Haag
27-04 Klub KOE, Den Bosch
28-04 WORM@Zaal de Unie, Rotterdam
06-05 Extrapool, Nijmegen