Teengirl Fantasy

at Katapult

9 Ara 2009
9 Ara 2009
  • Studio 80
  • Rembrandtplein 17, 1017 CT Amsterdam

It’s not just ’80s clothing and hair dominating at the moment, it’s also ’80s music technology and pop music. This American duo fall into the Pictureplane style of mid-tempo beats and swirling, reverb-drenched sounds. There’s a lo-fi aesthetic at heart, in a similar ‘taped-up cables’ way as Dan Deacon, only without the stand-up comedy and the urge to mosh to Slayer. Embrace the fantasy as you dance with a chosen partner or three.


Teengirl fantasy - Source: subbacultcha.nl

They play december 9 on Katapult: a weekly party at Studio 80.
Starts at: 23.00

More information and music on: myspace.com/teengirlfantasy