Always Coca-Cola?

Films and debate on globalisation

22 Ara 2009
  • 20:30
  • OT301
  • Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

20:30 "Holy Water"

21:30 "Mine, story of a sacred mountain"

21:45 Debate


Holy Water - bron


Holy Water

A film about India's farmers protesting against Coca-Cola, decreasing water levels and a Coke factory that had to close down because of this.

Mine, story of a sacred mountain

About the Dongria Kondh tribe that see their lands being invaded by Vedanta Resources, a London-based Mining company.


Debate on global resistance 
Nandlal Master, Leader of the farmers movement against Coke in India Geert Ritsema, Milieudefensie Gerard Oonk, India Committee of the Netherlands &Tobias Schmitz, Both Ends.