In the Name of Kernel ! The Magic Line

Joan Leandre in the new space Gentili Apri in Berlin

28 Oca 2010
13 Mar 2010

Gentili Apri opens the new space in Berlin by presenting In the Name of Kernel ! The Magic Line, an exhibition of HD video, digital print and text by Barcelona based artist Joan Leandre. As the second Gallery exhibition in the artist’s extensive history, In the Name of Kernel ! The Magic Line is the third installment of the In the Name of Kernel series, introducing Leandre’s critical practice of media interpretation and reverse engineering to a new audience. The first two films of the series toured internationally to venues such as Sonar Festival, Barcelona 2008, 3rd Moscow Biennial, Moscow, 2009, and Centre George Pompidou, Paris 2009. You can watch them here and here


Joan Leandre - source


Joan Leandre:

“ interpreter and member of the OVNI Archives since 1994. From 1994 to 1996 I worked on a series of media interruptions called MAP (Mega Assemble Project), Fundación Zero and Serial Monuments. From 1995-1997 I was involved in the Oigo Rom project, and later in 1998 in Brooklyn I was involved with the President Archives. In 1999, I began working again with mass entertainment software and started the projects retroyou (RC) and retroyou (nostalG), and continue to work on the series retroyou nostalg2 and the Black Boot Project. Other collective projects include Velvet Strike and the Archivos Babilonia.”