Claire Jervert
All rights reserved
375 x 375 İndir

Dream Nation 375x375.jpg

This body of work continues my ongoing interest in the interrelationship between media, communication and technology. The series incorporates brand names and logos, while utilizing methods and techniques of traditional sign painting. The paintings and drawings in the series deal with the omnipresence of "branding", the supersaturation of advertising and suggest a universe of electronic commerce.

A subset of my Branding series is a group of paintings in which the brands used by a particular individual are accumulated within one painting and serve as a kind of portrait of that individual. This reflects the larger social use of specific brands to both project a desired image to others as well as to shape one’s image of oneself.
On a formal level, the accumulation of brands results in a dense, “all-over” composition. The individual brand names and logos, in their varied colors and shapes, in effect function within each painting as “brushstrokes,” keeping the eye moving across the surface of the picture, as well as directing it through the suggested space within the painting.