Ben Butler & Mousepad | Controllar

presented by SPSound

19 Şub 2010

Friday 19 February | doors open 21:30 | entrance fee €6,00
Location: SMART Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam

SPSound pairs Electronic Pop duos to bring you a colourful night of pure fun. Join us at SMART Project Space on Friday, February 19, with Ben Butler & Mousepad and Controllar.

Ben Butler & Mousepad is Joe Gay vs. You/Germlin’s new project. Anyone exposed to the furious Shake and Pop of pixilated, DIY Dance fury from either act should expect excellence. Imagine a cloud of pink TV static spreading over psychedelic gradient skies outside the window of your commuter train, with analogical lightning bolts blasting in a rainbow-coloured Sabbath, burning into the circuitry of your brain like the soundtrack of an old coin-op beat ‘em up designed by a crazed cabal of progressive wizards and bearded Sci-Fi savants. Ben Butler & Mousepad are the shy, hyper-intelligent cousin of a couple of popular French Dance acts, also raised on unhealthy doses of weirdo-Synth music, experimental Disco and coffee black like sin.
Controllar is an Electronic duo gone Pop gone Experimental, then gone Pop again. And it is oh-so-sexy. Years of walking on the tightrope spanning between Billie Holiday and David Bowie caused Controllar to put the puzzle together: from a combination of dramatic song and intricately woven Electronic peel, all the way to the raw core of tube distortion and 50 Hz saw-tooth synths, and it is OH-so-sexy.

SPSound is a Friday night concert series featuring adventurous new underground music.