Workshop Archive

CrashCourse Triggered by RFID

13 | 14 | 15 July 2005

13 Tem 2005
15 Tem 2005

Triggered by RFID CrashCourse is designed as a Think-and-do Tank which explores RFID from an artist's/ designer's point of view.
Large logistical companies see RFID as the ultimate application for streamlining stock management and transportation. Activists expect RFID to strike a final blow to the notion of privacy. Philosophers see an "Internet of Things" looming at the horizon, wherein each object has a physical as well as a virtual identity. Taken together these ideas challenge our concepts of relations between humans and objects.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the barcode of the future. With RFID individual objects are equipped with a chip (an RFID tag), which can be read with an RFID reader from a range of up to several meters. To these tags a lot of desired (or undesired) data can be attached for a longer or shorter period of time.

Instead of waiting for and commenting on a next hype of services that allow us to do old things in new ways, this workshop aims to seize some initiative.
How can we make use of RFID in meaningful ways? What sensible or beautiful things can be done with RFID that couldn't be done before? How can RFID be applied in a social context, in urban projects, in interaction and experience design? How can we appropriate this technology for our own purposes?

In this workshop the participants design (creative) streetlevel uses of RFID.


The workshop will take 3 days. The morning sessions of the first and second day are dedicated to presenting interesting cases of RFID, delineating the range of possibilities as well as constraints of this technology. Subsequent lectures and discussions will frame social and philosophical dimensions of a changed communication environment.

On the first day, participants will get acquainted with the practical layout of an RFID environment. For this purpose an RFID set, consisting of tags, readers and a database, will be available. Participants can use this setup to test their own ideas and concepts. Experienced staff will be present for technical assistence. The workshop will be concluded with a presentation of all concepts developed during the workshop.

Target Group

Triggered by RFID is made for a maximum of 16 designers, artists, thinkers and makers who are interested in this technology as a communicative tool. In this workshop you can try out the technology and develop first layouts of possible applications, alternative uses and hacks.

How Much?

The participation fee is €400 per person, excluding BTW. Lunches, technical equipment and assistence are included.


The workshop will take place in the seminar room of Mediamatic.

To register for this course, fill out the online form.

You may cancel your registration until 10 days before the beginning of the workshop. In that case we will charge you € 45,= to compensate for administration costs.

The reader for this workshop and the full program are online. Come back for frequent updates.