
Playing FLICKR v1.0

grossing the diners out

9 Mayıs 2005
16 Mayıs 2005

For one week in May, the diners in Restaurant 11 will be confronted with the photos the users of Playing FLICKR select. By sending a keyword through SMS, users can request all photos on the database that are tagged with that particular keyword.


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.

Cuno de Boer programmed the first version Playing FLICKR using PHP and his own mobile phone sim card. Now it is used for the Flickr Peep Show and the Playing FLICKR installation, which will take place over the course of one week in Club/Restaurant 11.

To find the phone number to SMS to, and see the installation, you can visit club/restaurant 11 on the Oosterdokskade 5, 11th floor, and having a look at the menu for further instructions. The opening will be at 20:30, during the Mediamatic Mobtagging Salon.


Playing FLICKR, May 2005 - photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic


playing FLICKR - The installation in Restaurant 11 on Thursday the 12th of May. Photo by Nadya Peek for Mediamatic.


playing FLICKR - The Mediamatic playing FLICKR installation in Club/Restaurant 11, 12th of May 2005. Photo by Nadya Peek for Mediamatic.


Mobtagging at club 11 - Mediamatic Salon, May 2005, photo by Bea Correa


9 - 12 mei 2005, en 19 september t/m 2 oktober 2005, Playing FLICKR, interactieve installatie in de publieke ruimte - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 12th of May 2005. Photo by Nadya Peek for Mediamatic.


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Playing FLICKR, May 2005 - photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Mobtagging bij club 11 - 2005 De interactieve installatie Playing FLICKR was tijdens de tentoonstelling Flickr Peep Show ook een week lang te zien in Restaurant Club 11. In oktober werd twee weken de tweede versie Playing Flickr V2.0 gespeeld. In het menu van Club 11 stonden de instructies hoe je met Flickr kon spelen. Bezoekers bepaalden hun eigen favoriete eet-omgeving door SMSen met hun gewenste trefwoorden naar de installatie te sturen. Vervolgens verschenen de foto's met matchende Flickr foto's op enorme panorama…


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.