12th Globalization lecture

The goal and the means

12 Eyl 2005
  • 20:30 -22:00
  • Felix Meritis
  • Keizersgracht 324, 1016 EZ Amsterdam

The world made some goals in 2000, which were meant to be attained by 2015, which include reducing world hunger and extreme poverty by 50 procent, stopping both AIDS and malaria from spreading, creating a sustainably clean environment and amongst many other things.

Wendy Harcourt (editor in chief of Development, magazine of the Society for International Development) will discuss with Hans Eenhoorn, a strong believer in the ability of this world to eliminate extreme hunger. Harcourt wonders if the UN has not become a slow and fat organ, tied up in making technocratic and bureaucratic temporary solutions to very complex problems.
The discussion will be moderated by Sheila Sitalsing.
