Cultural Engineers

Mediamatic Salon at 20:30

8 Mayıs 2006

A salon with some new games, as thought up by graphic design students from the Rietveld Academy, a presentation by Régine Débatty of we-make-money-not-art a display of various products as thought up by the reverse engineering principle of the artist duo HeHe and a Canadian performance by Brian McKenna and Robyn Moody.


Hehe, Heiko Hansen and Helen Evans - Mediamatic Salon, May 2006 photo by Bea Correa

Heiko Hansen and Helen Evans the brains behind HeHe. HeHe does project in which they REVERSE ENGINEER the technological systems that surround us and add their own new, critical usage and social context.

Five students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy presented the GAMES they recently developed for the project PLAYTIME. Playtime was a project based on the idea that all situations are potential spaces for play and interaction. The students were Nina Larsen, Alexa Tang, Tunc Topcuoglu, Xiavier Fernandez Fuentes and Tobias Krasenberg.

Régine Débatty presented some highlights from her extremely popular BLOG we-make-money-not-art. Régine blogs like she's everywhere at once, always knowing the latest about her favorite tags entertainment, gadgets, games, installation, life online, location , telephony, robots,wearables and design. Her endless expertise on all things online will not go unnoticed.

Exploring RF technology's roots in Spiritualism, Robyn Moody (CAN), and Brian McKenna (CAN/NL) held an electronic SÉANCE. They tried to contact their 'recently departed' friend, Denton Fredrickson, by opening a communication channel to 'the other side'.

Location: bar_restaurant_club_11, Post CS, Oosterdokskade 5, Amsterdam

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