
Playing FLICKR v2.0

Mediamatic Screen 23bis: Imaginative Keyword Conversations in Public Space

19 Eyl 2005
2 Eki 2005

Playing FLICKR is a public space installation by Mediamatic on the 11th floor of the PostCS building in Amsterdam.


Playing FLICKR v2.0 - Images from: Drift Words , Willem Velthoven and -Ant-'s

The diners in bar/restaurant/club 11 will be subjected to the wrath of fellow visitors SMSing whatever keyword they want to the installation that pulls photos from the online community flickr and projects them onto Restaurant 11's huge panoramic screens.

The Installation has three image/tag channels tha are projected side by side.

Combinations of words sent by the players gain new meaning when projected with their assoiciated images.

For each keyword, the installation creates a loop of recent images from Flickr and keeps displaying them till the next words are sent by the spectators.

The word that found the image is superimposed on the image the authors' Flickr name and the title of the photo. is a friendly website where amateur and professional photographers alike can upload and share their images. The users tag their photographs with keywords, which makes it easy for other users to browse photographs and find images of their interest.

The diners in Restaurant 11 can use their mobile phones to submit a keyword of their choice, which will later appear on the surrounding screens with corresponding photographs so that while they dine the backdrop of the restaurant will be adapted to their personal wishes.

Playing Flicker is a concept of Willem Velthoven. The software is developed by Cuno de Boer at Mediamatic Atelier.

To find the phone number to SMS to, and see the installation, visit club/restaurant 11 on the Oosterdokskade 5, 11th floor, and having a look at the menu for further instructions. The installation is open daily from 8pm to 10 pm.

The previous Playing FLICKR installation
Transcript from the previous Playing FLICKR installation
Previous Playing FLICKR opening
Flickr Peep Show
Urban Screens Conference


Playing FLICKR v2.0 - images by: Marco Wessel , Lorenzodom and Boskizzi


Playing FLICKR v2.0 - Images by Corrigami , Lola The Car Chick and Goldfishbowhole


Playing FLICKR v2.0 - images by the Photogeek , Willem Velthoven and Pantufla


playing FLICKR - The Mediamatic playing FLICKR installation in Club/Restaurant 11, 12th of May 2005. Photo by Nadya Peek for Mediamatic.


Playing FLICKR, May 2005 - photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic


Playing FLICKR v2.0 - Images from: John Carlton , Lotje and Wild


9 - 12 mei 2005, en 19 september t/m 2 oktober 2005, Playing FLICKR, interactieve installatie in de publieke ruimte - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 12th of May 2005. Photo by Nadya Peek for Mediamatic.


Mobtagging at club 11 - Mediamatic Salon, May 2005, photo by Bea Correa


Playing FLICKR, May 2005 - photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Mobtagging bij club 11 - 2005 De interactieve installatie Playing FLICKR was tijdens de tentoonstelling Flickr Peep Show ook een week lang te zien in Restaurant Club 11. In oktober werd twee weken de tweede versie Playing Flickr V2.0 gespeeld. In het menu van Club 11 stonden de instructies hoe je met Flickr kon spelen. Bezoekers bepaalden hun eigen favoriete eet-omgeving door SMSen met hun gewenste trefwoorden naar de installatie te sturen. Vervolgens verschenen de foto's met matchende Flickr foto's op enorme panorama…


Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.




Playing Flickr - The Mediamatic Playing FLICKR installation in club/restaurant 11 on the 13th of May 2005. Photo by Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic.


Shanghai SMS -