Know Thyself

an artistic anthropological study on Self-Portraiture

10 Nis 2010
15 Mayıs 2010

In this first group-exhibition initiated by Blaton & Rypson, Anthropologists in Art, visual artists and social scientists were invited to respond to an anthropological text on the nature of Self-Portraiture. In the tradition of both visual art and social science, the representation of self has been a fascinating, if not fundamental subject.


Self Portrait Rogala - source

By combining the two, Blaton & Rypson operate as mediators to both disciplines. The result is a dynamic dialogue on Self-Portraiture where the visual and the textual, the artistic and the scientific, interact.

In the exhibition “Know Thyself”, Blaton & Rypson expose the artists’ self-portraits as well as the discourses of social scientists. The aim of the exhibition is not to provide answers per se, but to trigger the public. By looking at self-portraits of others, we raise the question: how do you represent yourself in this world, implying an even more important question: is it possible to know yourself?


10 april 2010, 17: 00 - 19: 00 in WM Gallery.


Visual Artists

Aimée Zito Lema (Arg/NL)
Brian Hill (SA/NL)
Frederieke Jochems (NL)
Florencia Levy (Arg)
Xander Ferreira (Gazelle) (SA)
Gideon Smit (UK/NL)
Grzegorz Rogala (PL)
Iva Supic (Cro)
Jimmy Rage (Jam/NL)
Kato Tan (NL)
Kristina Benjocki (Srb)
Hans Derks (NL)
Leszek Sczaniecki (PL/NL)
Pete Purnell (UK)
Wanda Michalak (PL/NL)

Social Scientists

Dr. Alexandra Schüssler (Cz/Au)
BA Arjanne Schaaf (NL)
Prof. Dr. Mattijs van de Port (NL)
Dr. Vicente Zito Lema (Arg)