Rijksakademie Beamclub

with Matthew Lutz-Kinnoy

28 Nis 2010
28 Nis 2010

The Rijksakademie Beamclub is a monthly night where former resident Sarah van Sonsbeeck invites artists who she’s met via this renowned international arts institute and asks to present (YouTube) videos that truly inspire them and their work. These videos range from obscure Japanese game shows to hilarious episodes of South Park. Anything goes. Artists that have been invited here are a.o. Hans Aarsman, Ben Cerveny, Nicoline van Harskamp, Gino Saccone and John Lonsdale.


Matthew Lutz Kinoy - source

In the 10th edition of the Rijksakademie Beamclub, on Wednesday 28 April, curator Sarah van Sonsbeeck has invited artist Matthew Lutz-Kinoy: ”Last year Matthew both estranged and amazed me by his performance. Dancing in an unmistakable Freddie Mercury outfit to “Love Kills” I felt unable to enjoy the so well known music. But besides from being an awesome dancer, Matthew managed to make me wonder about him, more than about Freddy.

“On the web, a still from the video When I die this summer, what shirt will I be wearing? seems to speak of a similar talent for the personal in face of well-trodden phenomena. “Lutz-Kinoy repeatedly fakes his death by lying motionless on the grass in a series of dramatic postures while clothed in an equal number of snappy tops.” I wish I could see it.”

The night starts at 8 pm, entrance is free.

Let them know you’re coming on Facebook.