
Bigger 2: Otaku BBQ

Stefan Tiron, Linda Barkasz, Bogdan Marcu

11 Haz 2006
2 Tem 2006

Bigger 2 featured blog war toys made out of propaganda soy, food supplements to stay alive while gaming, digital blood, a twisted history of Romanian music, Bucharest fanboy culture and the reconstruction of a video game addict's room. Not to forget the analogue personality suits for virtual friends.


Otaku BBQ Romanian fanboys & girls burning soy - Bigger2, Mediamatic Exhibition, June 2006, photo by Jans Possel

Bigger #2

After Tunc Topcuoglu solo domination, it was now Stefan Tiron (curator/artist), Bogdan Marcu (artist,musician) and Linda Barkasz (cosplayer/artist)'s turn. All three creatives hailed from Romania. Fascinated by the manga/ anime OTAKU culture they gave a performance expressing this phenomenon.

During one month five young artists/ curators were allowed to play in Mediamatic's project space. Starting with one artist, while another one joined in every week.

Line up:
1 Tunc Topcuoglu (Turkey)
2 Stefan Tiron, Linda Barkasz, Bogdan Marcu (Romania)
3 Rafaël Rozendaal (Netherlands) from June 17
4 Bogomir Doringer (Serbia) from June 23
5 Irina Birger (Israël) and Katja Sokolova (Russia) from June 30