practicum 06a concert 3

N Collective series

17 Şub 2006

During the third week of the N Collective doing their thing, visitors were able to see:

James Beckett, Koen Nutters, Thomas Dypdahl, Morton J. Olsen and The Friendly Boys


Practicum 06a etalage - Mediamatic Ground floor Februari 2006 photo by Jans Possel at Mediamatic at Mediamatic

In the hangout space for artists and musicians the N Collective organized a series of concerts every Friday evening, 6 weeks long.

Tonight's programme was:

1 James Beckett – FRIDGE MUSIC using refrigerators and
recorded and live sounds
2 Morten J. Olsen – MD SHUFFLE PLAY and live
SKYPE contributions by Thomas Dypdahl and Anders Hana
3 Koen Nutters REPEAT PIECE
4 Tania Theodorou and Lina Ozerkina IS IMPORTANT a piece for disc read by Patrick Healy
5 The Friendly Boys LITTLE CONCERT (They are
friendly Dirk Bruinsma / Viljam Nybacka)
6 DJ Napee

For more information on the N Colllective please check their N Collective website.

For more info on Practicum 06a, go HERE